Intelligent control of your water data assets.
Optimizing water networks with smart automation for precise, efficient, and real-time asset control.
Fully automated from source to pad
Lower total operating cost
Improve safety and reliability
Remote visibility to Operator real-time
Enables simul- and trimul-fracs with ease

Seamlessly connect and monitor water assets.
Verify water resource integrity by remotely monitoring volume and quality with real-time data. Our technology enables prompt decision-making, early issue detection, compliance, and performance optimization using advanced sensors and analytics, suitable for oilfield, municipal supply, or industrial use.

Precise & Accurate analysis of your water data assets in real time.
Thousands of remote assets are currently connected and reporting in the AquaView portal. Managing so many assets requires field-wide logic with SCADA oversight, which we’ve built into every deployment.

Recycling in more places by changing the economics of water treatment.
Automation makes produced water recycling possible in more places by improving logistics and treatment efficiency. Infrastructure projects utilize automation to mange the complex water balancing required for produced water gathering and treatment.


Expertise and
technology. Together.
Learn how we’re using technology across the company to put more water to work. Backed by our water and chemistry experts, Select is changing the way that water is handled on job sites today..