Water Treatment Keeps Paper Recycling Plant Operational

Gulf Coast

The Challenge: A paper recycling facility in the southern gulf coast region identified a scheduling issue in which a large permanent water treatment plant currently under construction would not be completed in the expected time frame. The water volumes required to resume operations in the paper plant exceeded 500,000 gallons per day. In order to avoid a plant shut-down, a temporary treatment facility would need to be erected to store, treat and transport the spent fluid to a nearby disposal facility. The scale of the project and coordination required for multiple services created a challenging outlook to keep the plant operational.

Select’s Solution: The solution proposed by Select included multiple high-capacity above-ground storage tanks placed on acreage adjacent to the plant. In total over 3 million gallons of storage capacity was deployed along with supporting infrastructure including poly transfer lines and pumps. The effluent water was tested and a treatment program was proposed to treat the fluid per the requirements of the nearby disposal facilities. Select’s trucking subsidiary, Tidal logistics provided trucking services via 5,000-gallon vac trucks to the disposal well.
combustor on location during methane test

Economic Value Created: The entire system was proposed, rigged up, and operational within the week required by the customer. The timely setup of the facility eliminated downtime for the plant. Over the course of the 14-month project, Select treated and delivered approximately 7 million gallons of water to keep the plant operational. Select acted as a single-source provider for all services involved, enhancing visibility into costs for the customer as well as treated volumes for plant operators. Periodic testing was performed and adjustments were made to enable continuous operation without disruption. By meeting or exceeding treatment KPIs, the company avoided a temporary shutdown of the plant while enhancing the efficiency and overall ESG goals of the facility. Select’s treatment facility tested and logged data to allow plant operators to verify effluent water quality from the facility met the specification for recycling or disposal as appropriate. Trucking operations safely provided continuous runs during this period, with onboard geo-fencing and driver awareness technology. The customer was satisfied with the outcome of the project, and Select continues to provide ongoing services to the company.